Why is it important to have a good blog name? and how do you come up with an awesome one? These are some of the questions I often get when people wanted to start their own blog.
In this post, we will talk about the 12 great tips on how to come up with an awesome blog name.
First and foremost, there are some things you need to consider when coming up with an original blog name.
It is always worth taking a moment to think about what your blog name is going to represent before you dive into the world of blogging or any online business. Here is some question you need to ask beforehand.
What is your blog going to be about?
Who is your target audience?
What is the tone or voice of your blog going be like?
Are you going to build your brand around your blog name?
When I was undergoing my online entrepreneur certification, I’ve learned that the name of your blog doesn’t mean a lot to your blog itself and you don’t have to overthink about it. Well, you can take for example of Google, Yahoo, eBay, Amazon or Alibaba. Before these websites became so huge, nobody would ever have a clue on what would these domain names are all about, right?
So, that means it is always depending on how you build up your business and create engagement to the users. This principle is the same with creating a name for your blog.
However, there are still many people who need advice and tips in order to come with a good blog name. Well true enough, that if you come up with a name that’s completely irrelevant to your content, it’s not going to be doing you any favor. On the other hand, a cool, corporate name for a fun and vibrant writing style is again going to give your readers the wrong impression.

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So, how to come up with an awesome blog name? Well, keeping the above in mind, here are the 10 proven methods to create an awesome blog name that I think you’ll find useful and helpful.
How To Come Up With A Good Blog Name (12 Great Tips)
1. Inspiration from Books
Do you have a favorite book? Do you know the World’s greatest authors? I sure you do. Then, why not take inspiration from your favorite literature or see how these authors came up with the title of their books from the contents. This is basically the same when choosing a blog name.
2. Thesaurus
Grabbing a thesaurus will give a handful of ideas for your blog name. This is a great method for coming up with interesting new words. A thesaurus can be a great goldmine of inspiration, especially if you want to say something in a bit different way.
3. Blog Name Generator
DomainWheel (www.domainwheel.com), Nameboy (www.nameboy.com), and Wordoid (www.wordoid.com) are just some of the numerous blog name generators you can use to create a unique blog name for you.
The good thing with these generators is that it will suggest some pretty awesome names while telling whether the .com of the name is available or not. This way it will save you a lot of time by taking the stress out of creating a great name, only to find out it’s already taken.
4. Different Language
If you are a multi-lingual like me, they have more ideas on how to say or write a single word in different languages. You can use, Google Translate and it works great. I personally love Latin and Greek language when it comes to religious quotes (Nope, I don’t speak these languages).
The bottom line is – choose something short with fewer syllables. This will definitely help to keep your blog name easy to remember and pronounce!
5. Competitor’s Blog Name
Yes, this is also a good method. If you already have decided what your blog will be going to be about, then try to look at any website that is already writing about your niche – your competitors. This will definitely give you some good ideas of what type of name that will work for your own blog.
Of course, you will not be going to copy your competitor’s name – just an idea generator method though!
6. Play With Words For A Perfect Blog Name
Have you ever tried to come up with a perfect blog name and just to find out that it’s already taken? Well, I think everyone has experienced this. It’s very frustrating!
Do you know that there are some sites to help you to come up with a perfect blog name idea that is so close your original idea?
Panabee (www.panabee.com) is a little tool that helps you keep your original idea alive by providing suggestions that are closely linked to your first choices. It uses a wide range of methods such as suffixes and prefixes to name a few.
7. Good Humor
Do you have a good sense of humor? Then use it to create your blog name and make people remember your blog name easily by making them laugh.
Oh, remember that this will not work for a professional blog. However, if your blog’s tone or voice is fun, fresh and witty, then there’s nothing to lose and is well worth giving a try.
8. Try Alliteration
What is alliteration? alliteration is the conspicuous repetition of identical initial consonant sounds in successive or closely associated syllables within a group of words, even those spelled differently. This is being used as a method of linking words for effect, alliteration is also called head rhyme or initial rhyme.
You probably have seen this method many times. For example “Grass Grow Greener”, “Future Financial Freedom” or “Blogger Block Busters” and I’m you can come up with much more awesome alliteration ideas than me.
9. Abbreviations
Using abbreviations is also a well-known yet effective method to come up with a blog name. I’m pretty sure you have seen a lot of companies that use their abbreviations for their websites.
Abbreviations make a blog name short and simple, without removing your brand and identity. Example: mgm.com, jbl.com, dhl.com and a lot more.
10. Invent Your Own Word
This method is so cool. Imagine how many invented words that became officially accepted worldwide – like Selfie, blurb, Witticism, Blogger, Vlogger and many more.
Be creative and who knows you will be the next one to create the next newly accepted word. Otherwise, words like shopify, veggiefy, meatfully or beautiness are just some nice examples.
11. Brand Based Name
Try to think about Google, Bing, Yahoo, Apple and many more. If your blog will be like promoting.
Coming up with something new, cool and brandable blog name can be a really powerful way of starting something big and unique!
Get your creativity flowing, take your descriptive words and invent interesting words and metaphoric ideas. Then, turn them into creative blog name ideas.
Mix, match, and compound whole words: Example: YouTube, WordPress, and FaceBook.
Blend, mesh, overlap, and truncate words: Example: Lego, Pinterest, and Groupon.
Create a portmanteau by making up new words: Add affixes (prefixes and suffixes) to words to form a basis of new words – Example: Napster and Spotify.
12. Your Own Name
Have you tried everything above and still can’t come up with your blog name? Then use your own name. This has become a very widely used nowadays. Many bloggers have become highly successful with self-named blogs.
This way you will get an attribute to your own name to the stuff what you put forth on the web, while people will recognize you easily as the word spreads.
If you’ve tried all the above methods and you’re still really stuck on what to call your blog, you could always default to your own name. Many bloggers have become hugely successful with self-named blogs.
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Final Thoughts…
Your blog name is really important. This is something you want to look back and proud of. You will be building your business around it and work with it every day.
You don’t want to just pick any blog name and regret it one day. In this case, you can not just change your blog name as your readers will get confused. You can neither just change your domain name because this will hurt your ranking.
Why is blogging becoming a trend nowadays? Because everybody has a knowledge and experience to share, something they are passionate about. And blogging makes sharing knowledge, experience or expertise in the world possible. And the great thing is – you can earn a living with it, if not a huge fortune.
I personally love working with my blog – this is my main online business. I love sharing ideas on finances and how to achieve financial freedom. The coolest part is – I help a lot of people to achieve their dreams. This type of business has made many bloggers a huge fortune. While some are earning around $5-10,000/month and this is what I’m doing. There are many ways on how to monetize your blog and you just have to find the best one for you.
There many reasons why you should blog to earn a full-time income from home. And these were my reasons when I started with this business.
- I recommend products that are useful and can help others.
- Unlimited earning potential
- No direct selling
- No face-to-face rejection
- No networking
- No recruitment
- No inventory
- No administrative work
- Very low investment
- I can work entirely just with my laptop and internet.
- I am my own boss.
- Scam protected
- I can earn Passive Income online!
So, if you don’t like product demonstration or presentation, public speaking and recruiting your families and friends just to earn, then this is the best business for you.
Start your online business now. Earn while learn and build your passive income online.
I’m looking forward to seeing you and guiding you in this awesome community. See you on the inside.
If you have any thought or more suggestions, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. Good luck with your journey to financial freedom online. God bless!