Turn your hobby into online money machine” – I literally laughed when heard this phrase for the first many years ago. But it turned out that this is really true and now proven! You can make money with your hobby.

Well, everybody has a passion or a hobby, right? It can be photography, sports- like chess or basketball, drawing or painting… literally just anything.

Today, it not an ordinary day – this is the greatest day that you will learn how to create an online money machine with the help of your hobby.

Making your hobby as your business is the best way to do it – this is what you’re enjoying and doing already and you know a lot of things about the things you love to do.

Businesses (whether online or offline) take time and hard work to make it successful. So, your love for your passion/hobby will sustain the level of engagement because you enjoy what you’re doing. It takes a serious commitment for a sure online business success.

Turn Your Hobby Into Online Money Machine: Your Ultimate Guide


  • What will you need to get started?
  • What will you offer?
  • How will you make money?
  • The best place to start…



Your hobby is the best ingredient in your online success because this is your passion and this is what your love to do untiringly.

However, it some people have several hobbies… which one will you start with?

Think about your biggest passion that you can offer to others and what you can imagine working with every day that would make you happy and grateful.

This is a very important consideration and analysis since business is meant for a long-term commitment. Success in businesses is not built overnight and it will take time to see great harvests from them.

It is, therefore, crucial to focus on ONE hobby or interest that you’d love to work on and share information about. You focus with ONE and then once your first website is already successful, you can always open a new one regarding a new hobby of yours. But don’t work with 2-3 things at a time.

In the online business – once you choose your hobby to be the center of your business, we call it YOUR NICHE.

Now your niche should be very specific. You don’t choose “sports” as your niche – it is too broad. Choose for example a particular sport that your love playing – like basketball or volleyball. Then you can share your best personal and professional tips on how to become a good player of that sports. Like the training, the tools, local gyms and tricks that you can recommend to others.

I hope this makes sense, if you need more help in narrowing down your niche or choosing your niche, check this free training video for choosing the best niche for you a profitable online business.


The next important thing you’ll need is a Website. Yes, that’s right. Doing business at home requires a worldwide exposure – and you can only do that through the help of the internet and your own website as the medium of all the information you want to share the world.

Having an online presence today is a MUST for any business – the good news is: You don’t need any onsite business to build a very successful online business.

Your website will your own workplace. And since your workplace is virtual, that means you can work from the comfort of your home or anywhere in the world for as long as you have an access to a good internet connection like a wifi.

Another great thing is that a website is much easier to build today than you can ever imagine. You don’t have to know any knowledge of coding. It’s just like having a facebook and editing on a word document.

If you can navigate the internet, you can definitely create a website. It honestly takes only less than a minute to have it up and running. You can actually start to build your free website here below.

Or watch a video on how to set up a website in just 30 seconds, literally here. You will eventually be invited to join a great community of successful online entrepreneurs while you watch the video. Please feel free to enter your email and you get started free. Believe me, it’s very exciting. So, go on.


As I mentioned earlier, you don’t need to have an onsite business to build a very successful online business. That being said, the main offer on your website is basically your valued tips and useful information for the hobby that you have chosen to be your niche.

For instance, you’d chose “playing guitar” as your niche – then you’d want to write about the different ways of strumming and playing techniques in the different level of expertise. People who are interested in learning to playing guitar would definitely enjoy reading your tips and information.

And as you write about your experience, tips or guide, you can recommend products or tools, such as the best guitars for beginners, training programs etc. – that will help them to achieve their goals.

The most important part of this topic is to remember to help people by providing a valuable and proven solution with what they need. Earning money is secondary as you need to build a trust between you and your readers.

If you do provide valuable information, you build trust with and become an “authority voice” to your readers who will become your followers and in time they will become customers or clients!

Whatever your niche is, it’s very important that you’ll be able to recommend things to your readers or followers – such as products, services, books, training etc. in order to earn money from it. This leads us to our next topic.


With a help of your website, your hobby will be able to make money in MANY ways:

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Training Courses
  • Google AdSense
  • Consulting
  • Sponsored Posts
  • Sponsored Ads
  • Ebooks
  • Guest Posts

It looks overwhelming to see that list – but believe me, it’s not that difficult and you will not be going to apply everything at once on your website when you just get started. You will have to focus on only 1-2 methods, normally affiliate marketing and Google AdSense.

And as you master those two methods, you will eventually take another method – one at a time.

Affiliate Marketing Will Be Your First Step

The best and simplest way to start making money with your hobby is through Affiliate Marketing. Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission when somebody buys from your recommendations on your website.

And because you’ll be building a website which will contain all the valuable information from you, this makes sense that you’ll have to start using affiliate marketing from the very start.

And as you recommend a product, you need companies that offer affiliate commission. And guess what? There are thousands and hundreds of them. So, really! you can earn money any niche as long as you know how to do it right.

Some of the popular affiliate platforms and programs are Amazon, eBay, Wallmart, ClickBank, Cj affiliate (Formerly Commission Junction), ShareASale and many more. You can find millions of companies participating in these platforms – so the products you’d recommend are literally easy to find.

Once you join these affiliate programs, you will get affiliate links which you will be using on your website by linking the product or page on their site.

This will track your readers, and as soon as they buy products or services on that side, you’ll earn commissions.

Affiliate marketing in a nutshell.

You can see how important it is to have a website in order to earn money from sharing knowledge and information of what you already know about your hobby – then recommend products and services that will help your audience.

The more information and knowledge you share about your hobby, the more chances of you making money from your website through your recommendations.

When your website becomes bigger and ranks better, you’ll be able to add more ways of generating income from it. Such as eBook, consulting service, training or anything you want. That’s the great thing about the website – unlimited potentials.


I’ve in the online money making industry since 2009, and finding this place after many years was one of the great things that happened. I just wished I found it much much earlier.

From everything I stated above, pulling all things altogether with minimal trial and error on business is the first thing anyone will be more concern about.

Having everything you need in just one place will definitely save you so much time and resources. And the best place so far after my extensive research and many years online is the Wealthy Affiliate. Where you can start you Online Entrepreneur Certificate for FREE

Trust me, you’ll get everything you need to succeed online. At this point – there are more than 1.4 million member and 10,000 new members signing up every month. It is the most trusted platform in our time.

Why join Wealthy Affiliate? 

There are hundreds of reasons why but to name some of the few that I love in this place are as follows:

  • Professional step-by-step training.
  • User-friendly website builder.
  • Specialized in teaching and training people to build wealth through affiliate marketing.
  • As a Free member, you’ll get TWO FREE WEBSITES AND HOSTING.
  • 27/4 support.
  • Great community of helpful and successful online entrepreneurs.

Joining this place guarantees you a great success, as long as you keep working, follow the training and never quit. Dedicate your time and keep your determination and patience along the way.

This is not a quick rich scheme, but it is the surest way to success.

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And remember you will never be alone with this journey when you join this community of vibrant online entrepreneurs who are all willing to support and help you all the way.

You can read my in-depth review of Wealthy Affiliate if you wish to read more about Wealthy Affiliate by clicking the button below:

I’ve been a Premium member ever since I joined the community and I will be there for you too to help you all the way to your success.

There is really nothing to lose to check it out, as you don’t even need to disclose any personal and financial information to sign up for the free starter membership. And you can stay as a free member as long as you want.

If you have any question or thought about how to turn your hobby into an online money machine or about Wealthy Affiliate, please leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

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