Bulletproof Profits is another money making program which claims that you can make up to 15K+ a month and even as much as $3,750 as soon as you get started from just 7 SIMPLE CLICKS.

Is this the real secret gold mine ever as it sounds? Is this a real deal? Is this legit? How does it work? Let’s find out.

If you want to know how to spot a scam online then I suggest you check my list of the most commonly used marketing tactics by scammers (14 Red Flags) here.

Bulletproof Profit Reviews: Scam Revealed!

Bulletproof Profits Overview: 

Product Name:  Bulletproof Profits


Founder: “Justin Tyler”

Product Type:  Money making program

Price: $9

Best For:  No one but the owner

Rating: 10/100

Recommended:  No.

Bulletproof Profits Red Flags

Okay, let’s go through the checklist of the most commonly used scam tactics and see how many red flags does Bulletproof Profit get.

First of all, let’s apply the rule of thumb: If it’s too good to be true… then it’s probably is.

Don’t you think earning $3,750 from just 7 simple clicks is not too good to be true? Of course, it is!

The professional sales video with scripts – did you watch the video already? If not it’s just right here.

  • Red Flag #1 – Fake Testimonials – YES, it uses a lot of fake video testimonials.
  • Red Flag #2 – Unknown/Fake Owner – YES, Justin Tyler (Owner) is nowhere to be double checked.
  • Red Flag #3 – Entry Test
  • Red Flag #4 – Ticker/Timer – YES, it’s at the bottom of the video stating “You’ll start making money when the timer hits 0.
  • Red Flag #5 – Few Slots Remaining – YES, it claims that this opportunity could be taken down tomorrow.
  • Red Flag #6 – Just a Few Clicks – YES, just 7 simple clicks!
  • Red Flag #7 – Just a Few Minutes Work – YES, claiming in just 15 minutes, you’ll be able to generate $2,140 a day!
  • Red Flag #8 – 100% Autopilot/Automated – YES, “done-for-you-system”
  • Red Flag #9 – No Contact Information Upfront – YES, you can’t see any contact info on the website. You have to go through Clickbank.
  • Red Flag #10 – Unrevealed Upsells – YES, in fact, an affiliate can earn up to $250/sale. So, yes it costs much more than $9!
  • Red Flag #11 -The “$1” Dollar Program – YES, it’s $9 relatively “cheap”, but it’s not.
  • Red Flag #12 – Short Money Back Guarantee – Nope, the good thing is this program has at least 60 days money back guarantee.
  • Red Flag #13 – “Congratulation” Email – YES, but not directly. Not an email but the concept is to make you feel “exclusive”. you’re definitely not.
  • Red Flag #14 – Money, Money, And Money – YES, and a big YES. You’ll actually not see how the system really works. It used too much time telling you how much money you’ll be making overnight.

So, out of our checklist Bulletproof Profits gets 12 out of 14. But there’s one more thing, it claims that you can earn a lot of money even if you are complete computer illiterate! Hmmm, earn money online without even knowing how to get online and use a computer? That’s nearly impossible.


Here are some of the pictures for the fake testimonials.



How Does It Work? 

Alright, you incidentally came across Bulletproof Profits and it sounds really great like a dream come true, a gold mine in your own secret opportunity or a holy grail. Luckily, you’re smart you made research now, but if you don’t, you’ll fall on its marketing baits and pay the $9 to get access to the program.

Thinking it only costs $9 dollar (that’s not even a cost of a movie ticket), then you wanted to try this opportunity so you grab the chance. Once you get access, you’ll be bombarded with a lot of $100’s upsells otherwise, it will not really work as the way it claims it would.

Now, you’re thinking… 7 simple clicks, damn not true.

Let’s say you’re generous enough to give more money just to really see how Bulletproof Profits really works. After all, the income potential could be very much higher.

So, Voila! you’ll just get basic training in eCommerce and you need to do much more than 700 clicks and it’s still not giving you any kind of money that those people on sales video were portraying you.

So, you quickly found out that it’s not what you really are expecting to go through.

What’s next?

Unfortunately, you have given your email to them and your on the list of the people who are looking for ways to earn money online. Just after a day or two, believe me, you’ll get a lot of similar offers- scam programs in different faces.

So, you might be ending up buying another “convincing” scam, UNTIL, you get tired and stop believing that there’s no quick fix like this Bulletproofs Profits are trying to make you believe with.

Verdict & Final Thoughts…

So, is Bulletproof Profit a Scam?

After looking at this program closely I will definitely NOT recommend this to anyone as in my opinion it’s a scam.

The “system” has around 12 out of 14 red flags of the most commonly used marketing tactics. The sales video is just a marketing bait you’ll definitely not going to earn that $2,000 per day, $14,000 a week or $50,000 a month.

While it is possible to earn that much online, Bulletproof Profits is definitely NOT the program you need in order to achieve those results. (Check My Recommended Program Below).

Once and for all, you need to learn all about eCommerce and how to leverage the market with it – well that will definitely take a lot of time.

And even though it has 60-days money back guarantee from ClickBank, it will not guarantee you that this is not a scam or a crap.

So, here’s Your Better Options

I love working for my own business from home. Affiliate marketing is a type of business that has made many people a huge fortune while others are just earning around $10,000/month and this is what I’m doing and I love it.

There are many reasons why you should use this concept to earn a full-time income from home.

See how I can earn up to $1,174.09 a day by making product reviews and how you too can do it.

If you like to get the same training as I had, then check my top recommended program so you can start to leverage the Billion Dollars Industry of Internet Marketing. The good news is – it’s FREE, no credit card or bank info needed.

Start your affiliate marketing business now.
Earn while learn and build your passive income online. 

I’m looking forward to seeing you and guiding you in this awesome community. See you on the inside.

This is the end of my topic today “Bulletproof Profit Reviews: Scam Revealed! “. I hope you have learned more about this product/opportunity and it has helped you to make a wiser decision.

Wait! Don’t forget to get your free gifts here. These are very useful throughout your journey.

If you have any thought or question, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. Good luck with your journey to financial freedom online. God bless!


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