Welcome to today’s topic Top 10 Things You Need To Know Before You Start A Blog (Part 2).
Read the Top 10 Things You Need To Know Before You Start A Blog (Part 1) here. (if you haven’t)
As I was pointing out, blogging is a great online business. You can get to work with the thing you’re passionate about and earn from it at the same time.
Here are the 6 other things I wished I knew before I got started blogging back in 2009, so my blogging business could have been a lot bigger today.
Top 10 Things You Need To Know Before You Start A Blog (Part 2)
Traffic Is Hard To Retain
Traffic, leads, and conversion is your key to success.
Without visitors, there is no way of earning money from your contents.
Honestly, traffic is easy to get but it’s very hard to retain.
Looking at your statics, basically, you will notice that the returning visitors are not very consistent. Normally it’s just around 31% that will come back and check your website again.
Here are the things that you can do in order to increase your rate of returning visitors to your website.
Survey your visitor: Learn what they want and provide it to them. I use Google Analytics and GetResponse you can figure out which of your contents are most visited and the write more valuable contents about them.
Build a social media community: make your readers feel being part of something and they’ll be more likely to come back. This is the actual reason I trying to improve the number of comments and why I try to respond to every email I get from you.
Build an email list: Just like when we say “Money is on the list” is the same as you want to have your visitors to come back to your website. This will both increase your sales potential and at the same time retain your traffic. This is definitely the best way to increase your returning visitors.
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Leverage From Hot Ideas
The internet world is huge. There’s always something new and hot that comes out when it comes to content marketing. You just have to leverage it before everyone else.
So, when you find one of these hot ideas, keep leveraging them until they die down.
For instance, when infographics came out for the first time, notice that a lot of infographic contents were shared on social media – they became viral. But today, it’s not that hot anymore but they are still effective in content marketing.
Another example is quizzes and comics. They were very popular before and you can find sites that only contain quizzes and comics. Again, that strategy is to burn out so if you want to boost your traffic, you’ll have to come up with something different.
The bottom line, if you find a hot content idea, keep milking it out until it lasts… because sooner or later it’ll get played out just like everything else does.
Content-Length Affects Traffic
Have you heard about “Content Is King”?. This is because if you want organic traffic, then you need to create contents consistently on your website.
However, content length really does matter and it affects your traffic. If you try to search something on Google, for instance, then you’ll find that the number one on the list will more or less content with at least 2,000 words.
That is because Google ranks the contents that provide rich information to the user.
You can not expect a good ranking if you’ll just keep posting contents with just a few hundred words. You need to up come with detailed content that will be very useful to your target audience – yeap, whichever your niche is.
Just like some of my super affiliate friends at Wealthy Affiliate, some of them were asked about their content and posting strategies. Some write a very long content of 10,000 words and post regularly once a week. while some of them write shorter contents (1,000-2,000 words) 3-5 times a week.
Writing A Conversational Post
Being a blogger doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t have to be a native English speaker (I’m not). You can even write in your own language.
When you write a post, you just need to imagine that you’re talking to someone in front of you. People like conversations instead of lectures, right?
You can make your content more conversational by:
- Using “you” and “I” instead of the third person address speaking. This will demonstrate that you’re talking directly to your readers.
- Using short lines. Don’t use very long paragraphs and your readers will just likely to skip or go away.
- Don’t be too formal. Write as if you’re talking and not as if you’re writing an essay. Your post should be friendly and not too formal.
Design Is Marketing
Website design is really important, I know that but I never nit-picked every little detail. You can still see some small things here and there on this site that need improvements. But that’s ok.
Well, the important thing is that a website is not something you can’t even stand to look out like that old blog site design with full of marketing banners all around it.
The design doesn’t have to complicated. Actually, it just has to be simple, clean and easy to navigate.
Moreso, your contents have to be very easy to read. The size of your font, typography and even spacing are all little things that are part of your design. Those elements can have a big impact on whether your content is going to be read by your visitors.
Being average is fine as long as you can provide good information and services to your readers. However, you don’t want to have a mediocre one. You need one that drives traffic to your money pages, that boost your sales rate.
Another thing is, having an attractive design is great because you can then submit it to the CSS galleries, which usually can drive 400 to 3,500 visitors to your website, assuming you submit your site to at least 10 galleries.
People Do Matter
The biggest mistake I made when I started blogging in 2009 is that I was just focusing on converting my visitor into sales as much as possible.
I never really cared about the reader himself and that’s why I failed.
Today, it’s totally different. I focused on my contents writing and on how I can provide useful information to my readers.
So, no matter what your niche is, remember that people are coming to visit your site because they’re looking for some specific information.
For example, I can choose to promote a product with $2,000 or more per sale commission but I rather not to. Because I all I wanted is to help as many people as possible – To share knowledge on how to figure things out in online business.
Besides, those programs that look too promising? They are scams if are not garbages.
I love working for my own business from home. Blogging and Affiliate marketing is a type of business that has made many people a huge fortune while others are just earning around $10,000/month and this is what I’m doing and I love it.
See how I earn up to $1,174.09 per day doing product reviews here and see how you too can do it.
There are many reasons why you should use this concept too to earn a full-time income from home. And these were my reasons when I started with this business.
- I can earn money from any product I want from the internet
- The simplest and easiest concept for online business
- Sure success as long as you keep going
- Unlimited earning potential
- No face-to-face or direct selling
- No face-to-face rejection
- No networking
- No recruitment
- No inventory
- No administrative work
- Very low investment
- I can work entire just with my laptop and internet.
- I am my own boss
- Scam protected
- I can earn Passive Income online!
So, if you hate product demonstration or presentation, public speaking and certainly not a fan of recruiting your families and friends just to earn, then this is the best business for you. Just remember the 10 things I have listed here so you will learn from the mistakes I committed before.
If you haven’t started your blog yet or you’re still struggling how it really works, then join us in our community and you will never look back. I wasted almost 10 years trying to figure it out. Until I found this great community of successful bloggers and online entrepreneurs, my online business has never been the same.
Start your affiliate marketing business now.
Earn while learn and build your passive income online.
I’m looking forward to seeing you and guiding you in this awesome community. See you on the inside.
This is the end of my ” Top 10 Things You Need To Know Before You Start A Blog (Part 2)“. I hope you have learned more about this product/opportunity.
You can read the Top 10 Things You Need To Know Before You Start A Blog (Part 1) here.
If you have any thought or question, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. Good luck with your journey to financial freedom online. God bless!