Welcome to today’s review: 

Rich Dad Summit Review: Does This Worth A Try? (7 Passive Income)

“Rich Dad Summit Review:
Does This Worth A Try?”

Rich Dad Summit has been on social media and other online advertisements for a couple of years now. Its popularity has always been the same.

Kiyosaki is best known as the author of the bestseller book series of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” and he is the main host for the Rich Dad Summit which is aiming to give you the several ways to create passive income for life.

So, if you are wondering if this program is legit or if this is even worth your time, then you came to the right place.

But before we get started…

Let me share you my #1 recommendation to learn how making money online really works in a most affordable way. Plus, don’t forget to get my FREE guide (with 6 days email course) and other free gifts in building a 6-figure online business.

 Rich Dad Summit Overview: 

Product Name: Rich Dad Summit

Founder: Robert Kiyosaki

Product Type:  Online Summit

Price: $1

Best For: Anybody who is serious in creating passive income

Rating: 95/100

Recommended:  Yes

 What is
Rich Dad Summit? 

Rich Dad Summit is a 2-day virtual summit conducted by the team of Robert Kiyosaki. This program aims to equip you with the 7 different ways in creating passive income so you can work less, earn more and finally escape the rat race.


The actual 2-day summit is over and this offer is just a replay of it so it’s just for the price of close to nothing – $1.

The dates of the summit broadcasts were on December 9-10, 2017.

There 7 different types of passive income that you will be introduced with during the 2 days summit.

  • Traditional business
  • Real estate
  • E-commerce
  • Email Marketing
  • A cryptocurrency (Bitcoin)
  • Stock Market
  • Best online and offline business opportunities

During this summit, you will be going to encounter several influencers with their own expertise, such as real estate expert, stock market expert, e-commerce expert, tax expert, legal expert and SEO expert. See the image below.


How Does It Work?

Once you paid $1 you ‘ll be going to get instant access of the 2-day summit replays. It is a 16 hours, 100% virtual, and risk-free investment to educate yourself.

These are the topics being covered during the 2-day Rich Dad Summit:

Day 1:

  1. Creating and developing your business in the best way.
  2. The secret of building a long-term fortune.
  3. Cashflow Quadrants.
  4. The distinction between job creation and entrepreneurship.
  5. The best online offers and unbeatable – how you can begin your own business.
  6. The fastest method to begin your business.
  7. Resources vs. liabilities – create money streams.
  8. Stock market investment – difficult things are illustrated in simple steps in a trading system.
  9. Email marketing – as a great way to gain profit.
  10. Building your success team

Day 2:

  1. Your success team as the simple key to success.
  2. Success is simple.
  3. Leveraging real estate.
  4. Leveraging Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.
  5. Leveraging E-commerce in the global economy.
  6. Your most powerful investment – soft assets: Skills, education, health, and wellness.
  7. Tax advantages of becoming an Investor and Entrepreneur.
  8. Asset protection – Learn how to manage your risks.
  9. The power of contribution – the wealthier you are, the more you can contribute to your family, community and the whole world.

 The Red Flags

Please read my 14 red flags in spotting a scam online which we will be using as a guide on whether or not an online business/opportunity is a potential scam.

So, let’s find out how many red flags will Copy My Email System get.

Rule of the thumb: Is the program too good to be true and claiming great results, then proceed using this screening checklist 

  • Red Flag #1 – Fake Testimonials – NO
  • Red Flag #2 – Unknown/Fake Owner – NO
  • Red Flag #3 – Entry Test – NO
  • Red Flag #4 – Ticker/Timer – NO
  • Red Flag #5 – Few Slots Remaining – NO
  • Red Flag #6 – Just a Few Clicks – NO
  • Red Flag #7 – Just a Few Minutes Works – NO
  • Red Flag #8 – 100% Autopilot/Automated – NO
  • Red Flag #9 – No Contact Information Upfront – NO,  there’s contact info.
  • Red Flag #10 – Unrevealed Upsells – Yes
  • Red Flag #11 -The “$1” Dollar Program – Yes
  • Red Flag #12 – Short Money Back Guarantee – NO
  • Red Flag #13 – “Congratulation” Email – NO
  • Red Flag #14 – Money, Money, And Money – NO

Out from this screening guide, the only things that this program gets if the unrevealed upsells and the $1 dollar offer.

$1 dollar for the 2-day summit is definitely fine and it is not a typical scam site that pops up with a lot of upsells as soon as you pay the $1.

$1 is the real price of the summit and the upsells are the other products offered within the summit and it’s up to you to get them.

 Rich Dad Summit

The real price of the 2-day virtual summit is only $1.


  • 5 Money Rules Lite – $47
  • Rich Dad Insiders – $67
  • 5 Money Rules – $97

 Pros & Cons


  • 100% virtual – most affordable way to attend a summit for just $1.
  • Fully traceable access to online resources.
  • 100%  experts backup from the most influential online marketers on the planet.
  • Proven track record of developing business and exposure.
  • Well demonstrated business models, developments and improvements.
  • Fully interactive – you can send message to any of the speakers during the summit and you’ll receive a tailored answer.
  • Well explained on how to convert traffic into sales.
  • Well explained SEO techniques
  • Relatively affordable upsells with valuable information.


There is honestly no disadvantages in attending this 2-day virtual summit. For just $1? There is no way you could get such a comprehensive summit of 16 long hours.

And guess what? Your $1 is even secured with a money-back guarantee from ClickBank.

Well, yes I can name one if I really have to. Then, that would be the very overwhelming information presented with a lot of business opportunities. This can be confusing in which one to start with – like whether you start with Bitcoin or the stock market.

Or how you can implement everything – real estate investment, online business, trading, investing or traditional business – that’s very overwhelming – but that’s a subjective point of view.

 Verdict &
Final Thoughts

So, Does Rich Dad Summit worth a try? Yes, definitely. This is a risk-free 16 hours or 2-day virtual summit replays with so much valuable information in it.

You might get overwhelmed with the massive information that you will get during these 2 days but it really does worth an investment of your time and a dollar.

Rich Dad Summit will give also access to different kind of business opportunities where you can start building passive income streams in many different ways.

CONCLUSION: Recommended


 Other Option
For Online Business

I personally love Robert Kiyosaki’s concept in real estate investment. I love his “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” book series and had a lot of inspiration that I applied in my real estate investment for years now.


However, not everybody is not attracted, not willing or not ready to dive into great entrepreneurship inside the real estate investment world.

But one thing is for sure. Everybody needs passive income streams in order to achieve financial freedom.

The good news is – you can actually achieve it online – even if you have a limited amount of money to start with.

Online business the most affordable way to start building a passive income-generating business. If you have limited resources, then this is your best option to start with.

Among other opportunities in Rich Dad Summit, online business like e-commerce is recommended. From here you will be looking at the 3 experts: Anik Singal (Lurn, Inc), Kotton Grammer (SEO & Marketing Guru) and Fred Lam (eCommerce Millionaire).

Unfortunately, getting these experts’ help is definitely not free and it requires more investment. I personally came across Lurn, Inc. one day and I know they have great platforms and programs. But the investment is relatively high.

That led me to a better option in building passive income with an online business. This is where you can learn how online marketing really works, how to drive traffic and convert into sales, SEO and marketing in just one place.

Guess what? This training platform is also the community of around 1.5 million (and counting) entrepreneurs around the globe.

Start your online marketing business now.
Earn while learn and build your passive income online. 

I’m looking forward to seeing you and guiding you in this awesome community. See you on the inside.

This is the end of today’s review “Rich Dad Summit Review: Does This Worth A Try?”. I hope you have learned more about this product/opportunity.

Wait! Don’t forget to get your free gifts here. These are very useful throughout your journey to financial freedom online.

If you have any thought or question, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. Good luck with your journey to financial freedom online. God bless!

Che’s Top Recommended Programs 

  1. Wealthy Affiliate University – To learn how making money online really works. Open your FREE account here (No credit card info required)
  2. 3-Steps In Making Money with Bitcoins And Other Cryptocurrencies – Instant Money If You Have A little Money To Invest.
  3. Rich Dad Summit – To learn how to leverage mortgage and retire early- 2-days training for only $1.
  4. PipsDominator – To learn how to leverage Forex Trading and trade like a Pro
  5. If you are completely broke, try these simple gigs online to earn and save money.


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