Welcome to my “Auto Chat Profits Review”.

Make $423.67 a day!
This is what this “money-making-program” promises you to make, if
you get their free license and pay a little amount of money for web

Sounds too good to be true? Maybe it is. Let’s find out if this program worth your time and money.

There are literally a lot of online opportunities out there to make you money. The big problem is, it is difficult to find a real and genuine program that really works as it promises.

Is Auto Chat Profits a scam? Or is this the answer to anyone’s dream to financial freedom online?

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Auto Chat Profits Review: Make $423.67 A Day Or Just Another Scam?

What is Auto Cash Profits?

Product Name:  Auto Chat Profits

Website: autochatprofits.co (Check It Out Here)

Founder: Unknown; Spokesperson: Samantha Smith

Product Type:  Money-making-program

Price: $37

Best For:  The Owner

Rating: 25/100

Recommended:  No

Auto Chat Profits is another digital product from ClickBank. It claims that you can easily and quickly earn money online.

In fact, it claims that you can earn $423.67 per day – already on your first day!

It also claims that an Auto Chat Box (Robot) can earn you a lot of money day by day.

You can watch the video here or read on.

After watching the sales video, there are a lot of hypes I found in it.

The first thing I noticed is that the Spokesperson Samantha Smith is the same spokesperson on the other program I reviewed some time ago – Five Minute Profit Sites – which has almost the same concept.

The two products are basically the same. I bet they have the same owner and creator as they use the same spokesperson and some of the images are also the same in the two sales videos.

You can read my review of Five Minute Profit Sites here.

These are the other things I’ve learned after watching the sales video:

  • This is a private video (Of course not!)
  • You could make money every day from the internet – No matter your age, skills or experience.
  • This is 100% legal and it’s not what you think
  • This is new and unseen
  • This is absolutely a secret robot technology
  • It is very easy – even an 8-year old can do.
  • You only need 6minutes and 14 clicks to set up everything
  • You only need 23 minutes a day to earn that much money
  • You don’t need this program if you are already earning $100,000 a year

What else? There are still a lot of things with this program that is quite unrealistic. Read on…

The Robot Affiliate

This program uses a scarcity that you have to qualify for the free software.

This is just a marketing bait. They just want to earn your trust so that you will partner with them.

Of course – everybody can get the program.

It claims that this software will build you a done-for-you website loaded with their revolutionary robot technology.

This software is absolutely designed to make “fast money” from affiliate marketing.

The spokesperson, Samantha, claims that this system uses an affiliate marketing concept wherein the robot will automatically find the best product on ClickBank and sell it to your website visitors.

She also claims that this is the only set-and-forget software on the Internet that works.

Well, thinking about affiliate marketing – the concept itself is good. However, I doubt that the model could work the way it was told on the sales video.

There is no proven set-and-forget software ever invented yet. In the first place, this contradicts the statement of using just 23 minutes a day. 

Tricky Earning Proof

As this video plays on, Samantha claims that they know how to earn a lot of money from affiliate marketing.

She demonstrates how to set up your account on ClickBank and link it into your “website”.

She also shows the account balance after one week and so on.

But if you are not alert enough while watching the sales video, you might not notice that the account balance is from “VENDOR” side, which means they earn from selling and not from affiliate marketing.

It’s the same tactic was used in Five Minute Profit Sites

Take a look at this…

There’s nothing wrong with earning as a vendor, not at all.

However, the sales video demonstrates that they generate income from affiliate marketing and they want you to believe that you too can earn the same amount of money.

Does This Really Work? 

Does this Auto Chat Profits really work? Well, the bad news is – it doesn’t work as promised and advertised.

Okay. Here how it goes.

Once you pay the $37 you will get access to the members’ area.

Inside the members’ area, you can find instructions and videos on what you have to do to get started.

Here are the steps:

  1. Create a ClickBank account.
  2. Type your ClickBank nickname into the software.
  3. Choose a name for your website.
  4. Sign up to an email service.
  5. Copy and paste a piece of text to connect your email service account to the software.

Once your site is up and running, you have to drive and generate traffic to it and then the chatbot will start communicating with your visitors.

Then, that’s where the real work truly begins – I bet it will not just take 23 minutes a day.

The Chat Bot 

How does this chatbot work? According to Samantha, a robot will start a conversation with your visitors. Here’s the sample screenshot. 

Here’s what it does:

  • Builds your email list by asking your visitors for their email address
  • Ask your visitors what they are looking for
  • Match them with some ClickBank products that meet their requirements.
  • You earn commissions, once your visitors made a purchase through your affiliate links.

This looks awesome and possible but there’s something big missing in it.

Here are the challenges that you will face with this program if you are a complete newbie.

1. Building a website – they will build it for you so you don’t have control over it. Besides, you don’t really own it. You can not even choose your own domain name. It can just disappear anytime once the owner stops.

2. The traffic – they will provide you with the training on how you can generate it to your website. Generating traffic is the most crucial task for any affiliate marketer. This is not as easy as it seems. This is where most people fail.

3. Finding products to sell – the robot will do it for you. So, you don’t know what products you are selling at all. If you recommend a bad or poor product, people will just get their money back. 

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The Real Cost And Upsells

The first thing I really don’t like with this program is the promise of a software license for FREE but you will be charged $37 for hosting fee. So, that’ not free at all.

The worst thing is, once you signed up, you will be bombarded with tons of UPSELLS. See their sales funnel below. Needless to say, their real price is not revealed in the sales video. We all hate upsells.

What else?

You need to get your own autoresponder/ email service provider. That is another monthly expenses.

Auto Chat Profit will train you in generating traffic using solo ads method. This can cost you a lot of money by paying someone else to promote your affiliate products to their own subscribers.

What I Do like About Auto Chat Profits

There are a lot of things I didn’t like about the sales video and the ways it is being marketed.

However, I must admit that there are some few things I do like with this program. These are the following:

I like the demo. I liked that the way they show exactly what you’ll be signing up and how it all works or how it should work.

Another thing is the use of chatbot technology. This is honestly being used by a lot of companies already.

Actually, it is not that new anymore. Facebook has this function as well. This is, of course, useful for internet marketing too.

A chatbot is a powerful tool but I strongly believe that it is NOT very easy to earn $467.23 a day just using this chatbot.

A chatbot is just a little part of the whole picture in the affiliate marketing business.

The last thing is the 60-days money back guarantee.

Verdict & Final Thoughts…

So, is Auto Chat Profits a Scam? 

I would say that this product has a lot of scam signs like the unknown owner, unrevealed upsells and misleading campaign.

However, the fact that it demonstrates how it all works and shows you what you expect to be doing with this chatbot qualifies it to the minimum requirement of a real product.

That is why you can find different reviews of this product with a different point of views – many say it’s a scam.

And although there are some few sites who recommend this program, they don’t have actual proofs of generating profit from it.

So, I would say this is not a scam rather a poor product with misleading campaigns and lack of transparency.

Here are some similar sites: Fast Cash Club, Million Dollar Replicator, AppCoinerCB Passive Income, Five Minute Profit Sites, Blogging Guru Blueprint, Explode My Payday.

Can you really earn that $467.23 a day from Auto Chat Profits? 

A chatbot is honestly a powerful tool for any website. However, using a chatbot is just a little part of the big picture when it comes to the affiliate marketing business.

You can actually set up a chatbot for your existing website- and yes that is quite easy if you are an experienced marketer. But earning from it? that isn’t easy as this program advertises.

Earning that huge amount of money from day 1 is no way possible especially if you are a complete newbie. See this disclaimer on the sales page. This disclaimer is the owner’s legal shield in case someone will legally go after them.

So, is this product recommended? I bet you know the answer already – a big NO.

Have you ever been scammed? Report them to the Federal Trade Center (FTC) here.

Better Options

Affiliate marketing is a type of business that has made many people a huge fortune while many others are earning just around $10,000/month and this is what I’m doing and I love it.

There are many reasons why you should use this concept to earn a full-time income from home. And these were my reasons when I started with this business.

  • I can sell any product I want
  • The simplest and easiest concept for online business
  • Sure success as long as you keep going
  • Unlimited earning potential
  • No face-to-face or direct selling
  • No face-to-face rejection
  • No networking
  • No recruitment
  • No inventory
  • No administrative work
  • Very low investment
  • I can work entire just with my laptop and internet.
  • I am my own boss
  • Scam protected
  • I can earn Passive Income online!

So, if you hate product demonstration or presentation, public speaking and certainly not a fan of recruiting your families and friends just to earn, then this is the best business for you.

However, I know this business is not for everybody and there are some other opportunities rather than affiliate marketing. So, I have created a list of the proven ways to earn money online for you.

Start your affiliate marketing business now.
Earn while learn and build your passive income online. 

I’m looking forward to seeing you and guiding you in this awesome community. See you on the inside.

This is the end of my “Auto Chat Profits Review”.

If you have any thought, question or more suggestions, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. Good luck with your journey to financial freedom online. God bless!


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